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Autodesk Inc., a world leader in 3D design software for entertainment, natural resources, manufacturing, engineering, cotruction, and civil infrastructure, announced the release of Inventor 2017 R4,...
Altair announced a new release of HyperWorks Solve 2017, is a collection of finite element and multibody dynamics solve for structural, fluid-dynamics and systems simulation. These solve can be em...
Autodesk EAGLE(原CadSoft EAGLE,已经被卖给了Autodesk.)是一款用于设计印刷电路板(PCB)的软件,包括三个模块。简单易用,功能强大。CadSoft EAGLE是一款专业的印刷电路板(PCB)设计软件,低成本、便于使用、功能强大。 有需要软件资料教程联系QQ:76615399 教程下载: http://www.ug1234.com/news...
Sieme PLM Software has released update (MP13) for PLM NX software veion 10.0.3, the latest release of our NX product development solution. NX 10.0.3 is a major release with significant new function...
全球最全面的单一集成软件环境内工程模拟 STAR-CCM+ 不仅仅只是一个 CFD 求解器,它还是一个解决流体或固体流、传热和应力等相关问题的完整工程过程。 STAR-CCM+ 在解决与多物理和复杂几何形状相关的问题方面拥有无可比拟的优势。 STAR-CCM+ 可在单个程序环境中利用最少的用户投入生产高质量的结果,为此它获得了用户的广泛好评。 Designed to fit easily wit...
ZWSOFT, an innovative supplier of CAD solutio to the AEC and MCAD industries, has announced today that ZWCAD Mechanical 2017 SP1, a manufacturing specialized product with many tools specific for mec...
鹰图PV Elite是一款针对容器和换热器设计、分析及评估的完整解决方案。PV Elite的用户设计了许多极端设计条件下的设备,并且设计工作能够非常迅速、精确而经济的完成。 数据收集 PV Elite使容器和换热器的压力边界条件定义变得简单,即使对于需要大量数据输入的数据组亦如此。PV Elite通过将输入数据进行分类,从而大大降低了录入的难度。同时,任何输入项距离其在线帮助文档仅一键之遥。 ...
WinSim, Inc., develops and markets engineering software, has released 15.05 veion of DESIGN II, is steady-state and dynamic process simulator. Rigorous Process Simulation for Chemical and Hydrocar...
Altair announced a new release of HyperWorks AcuSolve 2017. This release of the software contai an expanded suite of physics, enabling the simulation of traitional turbulent flows, immiscible multi...